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Stoke X Series

What are the specifications of the Stoke X?

Top Speed: 42kph/27mph. Range: 45km/28 miles. Battery: 12s2p 43.2V 10Ah 432Wh. Motors: 6368 Dual 3000W. Controller: EFOC 2.0 50V 200A. Trucks: Super Carve 2. Deck: Bamboo/Fibreglass. Wheels: Evolve 97mm 76a.

What is the difference between the Stoke X and Stoke 2.0?

The Stoke X uses Evolve's latest technology release and supersedes theStoke 2.0. Comparing to the Stoke 2.0, the Stoke X uses larger more powerful motors, a new EFOC 2.0 ESC, it has a higher top speed rating, and more ride times due to the larger cap